Become A Successful Entrepreneur (Empowering Indians)

Learn to become a successful entrepreneur by the successful entrepreneurs (Course)

I have a good news and a bad news for you. 

Which one would you like to listen to first?  

Let’s start with good news. The good news is that “93.6% of Indians show a desire to become an entrepreneur. This is way above the average score of 55% amongst 44 countries,”  according to a report. 

The bad news is that, according to a survey, only 11 %  percent of Indians get involved in some sort of business. However, only 5 % percent of them manage to succeed in their businesses. 

The conclusion is that from 93% only 5% manage to become successful entrepreneurs. 

These surveys are crystal clear that you have the desire and enthusiasm to become a successful entrepreneur. But, what you lack is proper skills and guidance to achieve that success. That is what Empowering Indians is trying to do. 

We at Empowering Indians have been interviewing entrepreneurs across India for the last four years. These successful entrepreneurs are making revenue in lakhs and crores and making their businesses hugely profitable. Read a few real stories here. 

We have curated a course on how to become a successful entrepreneur.  and create an impact not only in your life, but others too.  You will learn in and out of various businesses from many successful entrepreneurs we have interviewed.  

What you will learn: 

  • Understanding your business idea
  • Create a detailed road map for your business idea.
  • Information on gathering resources for your business 
  • Understanding on fundraising for your business 
  • How to level up in your business 
  • Promotion of your business or marketing strategies 
  • Some skills ideas to help you develop for running a successful business 
  • Clear your doubts related to business for three months.

Training workshop schedule: Google meet every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) + 3-month   access to the successful entrepreneurs to clear your doubts

Duration: 1:30 hours on every weekend for a month (total- 8 days)

Fee: Rs. 5999/-  per head 

Fill out the form below for registration. 

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